14 research outputs found

    Foggy clouds and cloudy fogs: a real need for coordinated management of fog-to-cloud computing systems

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    The recent advances in cloud services technology are fueling a plethora of information technology innovation, including networking, storage, and computing. Today, various flavors have evolved of IoT, cloud computing, and so-called fog computing, a concept referring to capabilities of edge devices and users' clients to compute, store, and exchange data among each other and with the cloud. Although the rapid pace of this evolution was not easily foreseeable, today each piece of it facilitates and enables the deployment of what we commonly refer to as a smart scenario, including smart cities, smart transportation, and smart homes. As most current cloud, fog, and network services run simultaneously in each scenario, we observe that we are at the dawn of what may be the next big step in the cloud computing and networking evolution, whereby services might be executed at the network edge, both in parallel and in a coordinated fashion, as well as supported by the unstoppable technology evolution. As edge devices become richer in functionality and smarter, embedding capacities such as storage or processing, as well as new functionalities, such as decision making, data collection, forwarding, and sharing, a real need is emerging for coordinated management of fog-to-cloud (F2C) computing systems. This article introduces a layered F2C architecture, its benefits and strengths, as well as the arising open and research challenges, making the case for the real need for their coordinated management. Our architecture, the illustrative use case presented, and a comparative performance analysis, albeit conceptual, all clearly show the way forward toward a new IoT scenario with a set of existing and unforeseen services provided on highly distributed and dynamic compute, storage, and networking resources, bringing together heterogeneous and commodity edge devices, emerging fogs, as well as conventional clouds.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    High Performance Computing for Tumor Propagation Agent-based Model

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    Agent based modeling (ABM) and High Performance Computing (HPC) techniques are very popular in investigation and understanding cellular and molecular systems. The complex nature of these systems and the demand for emulation and comprehension at different levels in these models creates the expectation for new effective simulation strategies and tools. The present paper peruses the foresaid demands and the approaches for developing simulation in tumor model and its interactions using ABM and HPC. ABM allows the analysis of the actions and interactions of autonomous agents (cells in this case) to evaluate their effects on the system as a whole in order to re-create and predict the appearance of a complex phenomenon. This is a parametric model and it is necessary to explore the data model space to determine which combinations of adjustments cause the behaviors which are of interest. In this case, HPC is a useful tool to perform experiments in acceptable time.XVIII Workshop de Procesamiento Distribuido y Paralelo (WPDP).Red de Universidades con Carreras en Inform谩tica (RedUNCI

    Performance Analysis of ABM Distributed Simulation for Real Crowd Evacuation Scenarios

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    Managing crowds is a key problem in a world with a growing population. Being able to predict and manage possible disasters directly affects the safety of crowd events. This kind of problem can be modeled using Agent-Based Model techniques and consequently simulated in order to study evacuation strategies. Our aim from this paper is to prove that this model albeit simple can be expanded and adapted for experts to test various scenarios and validate the outcome of their design. Preliminary experiments are carried out using different initial locations for the agents inside Fira of Barcelona building, whose results are presented, validated and discussed. We shown that crowd evacuation problem has bottlenecks in reality, and the initial location for all agents can increase or decrease the bottlenecks. Finally, we draw some conclusions and point out ways in which this work can be further extended.XVIII Workshop de Procesamiento Distribuido y Paralelo (WPDP).Red de Universidades con Carreras en Inform谩tica (RedUNCI

    Scalable agent-based model simulation using distributed computing on system biology

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    El modelat basat en agents 茅s una eina inform脿tica molt 煤til que permet simular un comportament complex utilitzant regles tant a escales micro com macro. La complexitat d鈥檃quest tipus de modelat est脿 en la definici贸 de les regles que tendran els agents per definir elements estructurals o els patrons de comportament est脿tics i/o din脿mics. La present tesis aborda la definici贸 de models complexos de xarxes biol貌giques que representen c猫l路lules canceroses per obtenir comportaments sobre diferents escenaris mitjan莽ant simulaci贸 i con猫ixer l鈥檈voluci贸 del proc茅s de met脿stasi per a usuaris no-experts en sistemes de c貌mput. A m茅s es desenvolupa una prova de concepte de com incorporar t猫cniques d鈥檃n脿lisi de xarxes din脿miques i d鈥檃prenentatge autom脿tic en els models basats en agents a partir del desenvolupament d鈥檜n sistema de simulaci贸 federat per millorar el proc茅s de presa de decisions. Per al desenvolupament d鈥檃questa tesi s鈥檋a tingut que abordar, des del punt de vista de la simulaci贸, la representaci贸 de xarxes biol貌giques complexes basades en grafs i investigar com integrar la topologia i funcions d鈥檃quest tipus de xarxes interactuant amb un model basat en agents. En aquest objectiu, s鈥檋a utilitzat el model ABM com a base per a la construcci贸, agrupament i classificaci贸 dels elements de la xarxa i que representen l鈥檈structura d鈥檜na xarxa biol貌gica complexa i escalable. La simulaci贸 d鈥檜n model complex de m煤ltiples escales i m煤ltiples agents, proporciona una eina 煤til per a que un cient铆fic, no-expert en computaci贸, pugui executar un model complex i param猫tric i utilitzar-ho com a eina d鈥檃n脿lisi d鈥檈scenaris o predicci贸 de variacions segons els diferents perfils de pacients considerats. El desenvolupament s鈥檋a centrat en un model de tumor basat en agents que ha evolucionat des d鈥檜n model ABM simple i b茅 conegut, al qual se li han incorporat les variables i din脿miques referenciades per l鈥橦allmarks of Cancer, fins a un models basat en grafs. Aquest model, basat en grafs, permet representar a diferents nivells d鈥檌nteracci贸 i din脿miques dins de les c猫l路lules en l鈥檈voluci贸 d鈥檜n tumor que permet diferents graus de representacions (a nivell molecular/cel路lular). Tot aix貌 s鈥檋a posat en funcionament en un entorn de simulaci贸 i ha creat un flux de treball (workflow) per construir una xarxa escalable complexa basada en un escenari de creixement tumoral i on s鈥檃pliquen t猫cniques din脿miques per con猫ixer el creixement de la xarxa tumoral sobre diferents patrons. L鈥檈xperimentaci贸 s鈥檋a realitzat utilitzant l鈥檈ntorn de simulaci贸 desenvolupat considerat l鈥檈xecuci贸 de models per a diferents perfils de pacients, com a mostra de la seva funcionalitat, per a par脿metres d鈥檌nter猫s per a l鈥檈xpert no-inform脿tic com per exemple l鈥檈voluci贸 del volum del tumor. L鈥檈ntorn ha estat dissenyat per descobrir i classificar subgrafs del model de tumor basat en agents, que permetran distribuir els models en un sistema de c貌mput d鈥檃ltes prestacions per poder analitzar escenaris complexos i/o diferents perfils de pacients amb patrons tumorals amb un alt nombre de c猫l路lules canceroses en un temps redu茂t.El modelado basado en agentes es una herramienta computacional muy 煤til que permite simular un comportamiento complejo utilizando reglas tanto en escalas micro como macro. La complejidad de este tipo de modelado radica en la definici贸n de las reglas que tendr谩n los agentes para definir los elementos estructurales o los patrones de comportamiento est谩ticos y/o din谩micos. La presente tesis aborda la definici贸n de modelos complejos de redes biol贸gicas que representan c茅lulas cancerosas para obtener comportamientos sobre diferentes escenarios mediante simulaci贸n y conocer la evoluci贸n del proceso de met谩stasis para usuarios no expertos en sistemas de c贸mputo. Adem谩s se desarrolla una prueba de concepto de c贸mo incorporar t茅cnicas de an谩lisis de redes din谩micas y de aprendizaje autom谩tico en los modelos basados en agentes a partir del desarrollo de un sistema de simulaci贸n federado para mejorar el proceso de toma de decisiones. Para el desarrollo de esta tesis se han tenido que abordar, desde el punto de vista de la simulaci贸n, la representaci贸n de redes biol贸gicas complejas basadas en grafos e investigar como integrar la topolog铆a y funciones de este tipo de redes interactuando un modelo basado en agentes. En este objetivo, se ha utilizado el modelo ABM como base para la construcci贸n, agrupamiento y clasificaci贸n de los elementos de la red y que representan la estructura de una red biol贸gica compleja y escalable. La simulaci贸n de un modelo complejo de m煤ltiples escalas y m煤ltiples agentes, proporciona una herramienta 煤til para que un cient铆fico, no-experto en computaci贸n, pueda ejecutar un modelo complejo param茅trico y utilizarlo como herramienta de an谩lisis de escenarios o predicci贸n de variaciones seg煤n los diferentes perfiles de pacientes considerados. El desarrollo se ha centrado en un modelo de tumor basado en agentes que ha evolucionado desde un modelo ABM simple y bien conocido, al cual se le han incorporado las variables y din谩micas referenciadas por el Hallmarks of Cancer, a un modelo complejo basado en grafos. Este modelo, basado en grafos, se utiliza para representar a diferentes niveles de interacci贸n y din谩micas dentro de las c茅lulas en la evoluci贸n de un tumor que permite diferentes grado de representaciones (a nivel molecular/celular). Todo ello se ha puesto en funcionamiento en un entorno de simulaci贸n y se ha creado un flujo de trabajo (workflow) para construir una red escalable compleja basada en un escenario de crecimiento tumoral y donde se aplican t茅cnicas din谩micas para conocer el crecimiento de la red tumoral sobre diferentes patrones. La experimentaci贸n se ha realizado utilizando el entorno de simulaci贸n desarrollado considerado la ejecuci贸n de modelos para diferentes perfiles de pacientes, como muestra de su funcionalidad, para calcular par谩metros de inter茅s para el experto no-inform谩tico como por ejemplo la evoluci贸n del volumen del tumor. El entorno ha sido dise帽ado para descubrir y clasificar subgrafos del modelo de tumor basado en agentes, que permitir谩 distribuir los modelos en un sistema de c贸mputo de altas prestaciones y as铆 poder analizar escenarios complejos y/o diferentes perfiles de pacientes con patrones tumorales con un alto n煤mero de c茅lulas cancerosas en un tiempo reducido.Agent-based modeling is a very useful computational tool to simulate complex behavior using rules at micro and macro scales. This type of modeling鈥檚 complexity is in defining the rules that the agents will have to define the structural elements or the static and dynamic behavior patterns. This thesis considers the definition of complex models of biological networks that represent cancer cells obtain behaviors on different scenarios by means of simulation and to know the evolution of the metastatic process for non-expert users of computer systems. Besides, a proof of concept has been developed to incorporate dynamic network analysis techniques and machine learning in agent-based models based on developing a federated simulation system to improve the decision-making process. For this thesis鈥檚 development, the representation of complex biological networks based on graphs has been analyzed, from the simulation point of view, to investigate how to integrate the topology and functions of this type of networks interacting with an agent-based model. For this purpose, the ABM model has been used as a basis for the construction, grouping, and classification of the network elements representing the structure of a complex and scalable biological network. The simulation of complex models with multiple scales and multiple agents provides a useful tool for a scientist, non-computer expert to execute a complex parametric model and use it to analyze scenarios or predict variations according to the different patient鈥檚 profiles. The development has focused on an agent-based tumor model that has evolved from a simple and well-known ABM model. The variables and dynamics referenced by the Hallmarks of Cancer have been incorporated into a complex model based on graphs. Based on graphs, this model is used to represent different levels of interaction and dynamics within cells in the evolution of a tumor with different degrees of representations (at the molecular/cellular level). A simulation environment and workflow have been created to build a complex, scalable network based on a tumor growth scenario. In this environment, dynamic techniques are applied to know the tumor network鈥檚 growth using different patterns. The experimentation has been carried out using the simulation environment developed considering the execution of models for different patient profiles, as a sample of its functionality, to calculate parameters of interest for the non-computer expert, such as the evolution of the tumor volume. The environment has been designed to discover and classify subgraphs of the agent-based tumor model to execute these models in a high-performance computer system. These executions will allow us to analyze complex scenarios and different profiles of patients with tumor patterns with a high number of cancer cells in a short time.Universitat Aut貌noma de Barcelona. Programa de Doctorat en Inform脿tic

    Towards Exascale through Modularity And I/O Management, Performance study under Modular computing with TSMP

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    This abstract highlights the pivotal role of the Terrestrial Systems Modelling Platform (TSMP) as a core use case in two pioneering projects, DEEP-SEA and IO-SEA, within the context of the Modular Supercomputing Architecture (MSA). The MSA, developed throughout the DEEP projects, serves as a blueprint for heterogeneous HPC systems, promoting the highest efficiency and scalability by integrating different compute modules tailored to specific performance characteristics for diverse workloads.The Terrestrial Systems Modelling Platform (TSMP) stands as a versatile, fully coupled Earth system model designed for regional simulations, emphasizing complex interactions within the geo-ecosystem. As an open community code, TSMP integrates various atmospheric models like COSMO and ICON, the Community Land Model (CLM), and the hydrological model ParFlow. With modular coupling, TSMP supports multiple programming languages, parallelization schemes, and hardware architectures.In the DEEP-SEA project, TSMP is utilized as a key use case to address the challenges of exascale computing within the MSA. The modular approach of the MSA aligns with TSMP's capabilities, allowing for the execution of different components, such as CPU and GPU-enabled COSMO, CUDA-ported ParFlow, and Fortran-based CLM, on the most suitable platform. The focus within DEEP-SEA is on mapping these specific components to optimize memory usage and scalability. This approach enables TSMP to conduct simulations at unprecedented resolutions and speeds, leveraging the innovative capabilities of the DEEP infrastructure.Simultaneously, in the IO-SEA project, TSMP serves as a foundational use case to drive advancements in data-centric I/O and workflow execution within the MSA. The adaptability and scalability of the MSA align with the goals of IO-SEA in optimizing data-centric workflows. The project extends existing I/O instrumentation tools, such as Smart burst buffering (SBB) and Data Access and Storage application Interface (DASI), to accommodate the intricacies of TSMP's coupled workflow.In conclusion, the integration of TSMP within the DEEP projects exemplifies a collaborative effort to address the challenges of exascale computing within the innovative Modular Supercomputing Architecture. TSMP's coupled approach aligns seamlessly with the adaptability and scalability of the MSA, allowing for enhanced efficiency and performance in the rapidly evolving landscape of heterogeneous HPC systems. This collaborative effort serves as a model for leveraging versatile Earth system models to improve energy and resource use efficiency in cutting-edge supercomputing infrastructures

    Delivering Business Intelligence Performance by Data Warehouse and ETL Tuning

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    Abstract The aim of this thesis is to show how numerous organizations such as CGI Consultant attempt to introduce BI-Solutions through IT and other operational methods in order to deal with large companies, which want to make their competitive market position stronger. This aim is achieved by Gap Analyzing in the BI roadmap and available Data Warehouses based on one of the company projects which were handed over to CGI from Lithuania. The fundamentals in achieving the BI-Solutions through IT, which has built the thesis methodology by research are, data warehousing, content analytics and performance management, data movement (Extract, Transform and Load) and CGI BI methodology, business process management, TeliaSonera Maintenance Management Model (TSM3) and AM model of CGI in the high level. The part of the thesis basically requires some research and practical work on Informatica PowerCenter, Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio and low level details such as database tuning, DBMS tuning implementation and ETL workflows optimization. 聽 Keywords: BI, ETL, DW, DBMS, TSM3, AM, Gap Analysin

    HPC for ABM using Netlogo

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    The modeling of large-scale stochastic systems of heterogeneous individuals and their interactions, where multiple behaviors exist, requires a large number of scenarios and repetitions of simulation experiments. In these areas, the agent-based simulation (ABM) is the common tool and the High-Performance Computing can provide an adequate infrastructure for this type of simulations. The present work shows the methodology and the tools developed to allow the execution of multiple simulation scenarios based on ABM Netlogo model simulation in an HPC environment. The goal is to provide a user-friendly environment for ABM simulation to non-technological users